
Mar’ 2025: A great visit and seminar by Tsuyoshi Miyakawa from Fujita Health University in Japan!


Feb’ 2025: Jessie’s last day in the lab before she heads off to medical school at UTMB. Congratulations Jessie!


Jan’ 2025: Chin lab at the 33rd Rush and Helen Record Neuroscience Forum in Galveston! (San Luis hotel & Conference Center)


Jan’ 2025: Annie and Manu gave fantastic talks at the TARCC meeting in Austin! (Univ of Texas)


Jan’ 2025: Lab lunch to wish Rohan farewell and all the very best! (60 Vines)


Dec’ 2024: Lab holiday party…missing a few people but still in the holiday spirit!


Dec’ 2024: Jeannie presented at the AES Investigators Workshop “AD and Epilepsy: Bridging Clinical and Basic Science” in LA!


Dec’ 2024: Pei-Yun won 1st place in the poster session at the Greater Houston Area AD Research Symposium!!


Oct’ 2024: Jeannie attended the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium SAB meeting in NY (Mt. Sinai SOM)


Oct’ 2024: Chin lab at SfN in Chicago! (Barrio)


Aug’ 2024: Corey is awarded the TDPA travel award from SfN to attend the annual meeting!


Jul’ 2024: Yoshi presents his work at the JNS meeting! …and wins a Young Investigator “Excellence” award! (Japan)


June 2024: Jeannie attends FENS! (Vienna, Austria)


June 2024: Lab lunch at Hu’s Cooking!


May 2024: BNDC Science Day! Manu gave a fantastic talk!


Apr’ 2024: Gabe’s paper is accepted for publication in Progress in Neurobiology!


Apr’ 2024: Congratulations to Yoshi for his travel award from SfN to attend the JNS meeting in Japan this summer!


Apr 8, 2024: Down in the courtyard, hunting for views of the solar eclipse!


Feb’ 2024: Minjung joins the lab, welcome!!!


Jan’ 2024: Annie’s paper is published in Frontiers in Neurology!

Special Issue “Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease: shared pathology, clinical presentations, and targets for treatment”


Dec’ 2023: Gabe’s paper is published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience!

Special Issue “Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease: shared pathology, clinical presentations, and targets for treatment”


Dec’ 2023: Manu presents his work at AES! (Orlando, FL)


Nov’ 2023: Congratulations to Corey for being awarded an F30 NRSA from NIA!


Nov’ 2023: Chin lab at SfN in Washington DC! (Boqueria)


Nov’ 2023: Yoshi won 2nd place in the poster session of the 2023 Greater Houston Area AD Research Conference!


Oct’ 2023: Joseph passed his Qualifying Exam, congratulations!!!!


Oct’ 2023: Jeannie attended the SAB meeting of the Belfer Neurodegeneration Consortium in Boston (MIT)


Oct’ 2023: Jeannie received the Outstanding Lecturer in Neuroscience award, voted on by the students!


Sept 1 2023: Farewell lunch to celebrate Jin and wish him and his family well…how will we survive without Jin?!?!

(Azuma Sushi & Robata)


Aug’ 2023: Yoshi is awarded the TDPA travel award from SfN to attend the annual meeting!


Aug’ 2023: We are looking for a Senior Research Assistant to join our lab!!


July 2023: Nikki joins the lab for her research year during clinical veterinary residency!


July 2023: Lab pool party…. with the new Mrs. Annie!


Jun’ 2023: Gabe’s last lab meeting before he heads up north to NY for his postdoc with Helen… bittersweet!


Jun’ 2023: AES features their awardees (yay Manu!!)!


Jun’ 2023: We’re in the picture-taking mood…


Jun’ 2023: Finally, an updated Chin lab picture!


Jun’ 2023: Lab lunch to celebrate Manu’s fellowship, welcome Mark to the lab, and wish Hongtong well in her new position!



Jun’ 2023: Congratulations to Manu for being awarded a very competitive postdoctoral fellowship from AES!!


May 2023: NDC Science Day! Joseph and Nayeli gave fantastic talks and represented the CBC so well!


Apr’ 2023: First group pic of the CBC (Chin-Beierlein Collaborative) highlighting the people working on our collaborative TRN project!


Mar’ 2023: Congratulations to Corey for passing his Qualifying Exam today, super job!


Feb 14, 2023: Congratulations to the newly minted Dr. Annie Fu!! Such an impressive defense!!


Dec’ 2022: Lab holiday party!


Dec’ 2022: Jeannie spoke in the Scientific Symposium at AES

(Nashville, TN)


Dec’ 2022: Yoshi won 1st place and Pei-Yun won 2nd place at the TMC Neuroscience Research Center poster session! Congratulations!!


Nov’ 2022: Jeannie attended the NDC SAB meeting in New York

(Mt. Sinai School of Medicine)


Nov’ 2022: Chin lab at SfN San Diego

(Meze Greek Fusion)


Aug 31, 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Gabe Stephens on his successful PhD defense today! Awesome job!!


Aug’ 2022: Lab lunch, with a few lab members joining as bobbleheads….

(Sixty Vines)


Aug’ 2022: Chin lab at the GRC on Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization

(Castelldelfels, Barcelona, Spain)


June 2022: Celebrating Jin becoming a US citizen!


June 2022: Congratulations to Pei-Yun for passing her qualifying exam with flying colors today!!!


June 2022: Lab pool party!


Mar’ 2022: Joseph officially joins the lab as a Neuroscience PhD student!


Mar’ 2022: Corey officially joins the lab as a Neuroscience (MD)PhD student!


Mar’ 2022: Lab lunch to celebrate Yoshi’s fellowship, and welcome Corey and Joseph to the lab!

(Azuma Sushi & Robata)


Mar’ 2022: Congratulations to Yoshi for being awarded the JASSO study abroad fellowship from the Japanese government!!!


Dec’ 2021: Lab holiday party! We happily (and safely) celebrated the holidays together for the first time in 2 years!


Dec’ 2021: Jeannie delivers the Lombroso lecture at the AES meeting, as the recipient of the 2021 AES Lombroso Lecturer award!


Dec’ 2021: Jeannie chairs the Epilepsy & Aging SIG at the AES meeting for the last time in her term as Chair…

(Chicago, IL)


Nov’ 2021: Baby shower for Gytri & Rohan! Can’t wait to meet the newest lab member in a few weeks!


Nov’ 2021: Wangjie joins the lab as Staff Scientist!


Nov’ 2021: Rohan’s paper is published in Science Translational Medicine, and featured on the cover!


August 2021: We are looking for a Staff Scientist!

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August 2021: Farewell Yi, best wishes in your new position!!

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June 2021: Congratulations to Yoshi for passing his Qualifying Exam today!!! Fantastic job!!!!


April 2021: Pei-Yun officially joins the lab as a PhD student in the Neuroscience program!


Feb’ 15, 2021: Wait, what… snow in Houston?? Thanks, winter storm Uri…


Feb’ 12, 2021: Happy Lunar New Year! (Year of the Ox)


Jan’ 1, 2021: Happy New Year!


Dec’ 26, 2020: Congratulations Rohan & Gytri! The most beautiful Zoom wedding ever!!


Dec’ 2020: No lab holiday party this year…. Zoom lab gift exchange had to suffice!


Dec’ 2020: Jeannie co-chaired the Epilepsy & Aging SIG at the (virtual) AES meeting.


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Nov’ 2020: Yoshi demonstrating the “new normal” at the bench….


Oct’ 2020: Manu officially joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow!


Aug’ 2020: Weekly lab meeting….still zooming….


May 2020: Gabe’s paper is published in Frontiers in Neuroscience!


May 2020: Jeannie is awarded the Michael E. DeBakey Excellence in Research Award!


May 2020: Congratulations to Corey for being accepted to transition into the MD/PhD program!


May 2020: Jason and Kavitha’s paper is published in PLoS One!


April 2020: Lab coffee break over zoom while we all WFH in the era of the novel coronavirus/COVID19.


Mar’ 2020: Yoshi officially joins the lab as a PhD student in the DDMT program!

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Feb’ 2020: Rohan and Jeannie at GRC on Thalamocortical Interactions

Pictured: Speakers for the session on “Thalamocortical Interactions in Disease States”

(Ventura, CA)


Feb’ 2020: Jeannie received the Outstanding Educator Award at the 30th Rush and Helen Record Neuroscience Forum!

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Feb’ 2020: Congratulations to Annie, who was named the 2020 Rush and Helen Record Fellow!

Pictured: Annie (right) with the recipients of the award from the past two years (Meike and Amanda)


Dec’ 2019: Holly, Jeannie, Sesame, and Annie at AES

Holly and Sesame are seizure response dogs from Canine Assistants, a program sponsored by UCB, Inc!

(Baltimore, MD)


Oct’ 2019: Chin lab at SfN Chicago

(Il Porcellino)


Sept’ 2019: Congratulations to Gabe for being awarded an F31 NRSA from NIH!


July 2019: Corey starts med school at BCM and joins the lab!


June 2019: Annie and Dan’s paper was published in Cell Reports, and featured on the cover!


June 2019: Farewell Azaria… Best wishes for your graduate studies at UMass Amherst!

(El Meson)

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June 2019: Rohan presents his work at the SLEEP meeting

(San Antonio, TX)


May 2019: Reunion lab lunch with Kia

(El Meson)


April 2019: Reunion lab lunch with Jason



Dec’ 2018: Congratulations Gabe for winning the NeuroX poster prize at the Neuroscience Research Center poster session!

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Dec’ 2018: Jeannie co-chaired the SIG on Epilepsy & Aging at AES

(New Orleans, LA)


Nov’ 2018: Chin lab at SfN San Diego (Annie at her poster)

(San Diego, CA)

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Aug’ 2018: Chin lab at the GRC on Mechanisms of Epilepsy and Neuronal Synchronization

(Mt. Snow, Vermont)


July 2018: Azaria joins the lab as a PREP Scholar



Feb’ 2018: Jason and Gabe’s paper is published in PLoS One!


Dec’ 2017: Lab holiday party… ??

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Dec’ 2017: Jeannie co-chaired the SIG on Aging and Epilepsy at AES

(Washington DC)


Nov’ 2017: Chin lab at SfN Washington DC



Nov’ 2017: Jason’s paper is published in Nature Medicine!


Sep’ 2017: Rohan’s review is published in Brain Research! (ePub ahead of print)


Aug’ 2017: Farewell Kia (BCM SMART program), it was a great summer!

(El Meson)

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July 2017: Brian’s paper is published in Cell Reports!


June 2017: Farewell Kavitha, best wishes for med school at UPenn!

Farewell Jason, best wishes as you finish med school to become Dr. Dr. Jason You!


May 2017: Congratulations Jason You, PhD for a super successful thesis defense!


May 2017: Annie officially joins the lab as a Neuroscience PhD student!


Nov’ 2016: Chin lab at SfN San Diego (Gabe at his poster)

(San Diego, CA)

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Oct’ 2016: Lab lunch


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Aug’ 2016: Anupam and Brian’s paper is published in Neurobiology of Aging!


June 2016: Lab lunch



April 2016: Gabe officially joins the lab as a Neuroscience PhD student!


Dec’ 2015: Congratulations Jason for winning 1st place at the Neuroscience Research Center poster session!

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July 2015: The Chin lab moves from Philly to Houston